What is Historical Highlights?
For my capstone project, I created ten movie-size posters about the United States' history from the 1900s to the 1990s. Each poster has a different theme which is meant to fit the mood, or aesthetic, of the various decades. Overall, there are a hundred facts total- ten facts per decade. These facts are about life-changing events, new inventions, the Presidents of the United States, the founding of companies, and many other fun facts and important information.
On each poster, I included both photographs as well as illustrations which I created in Adobe Illustrator. Each illustration would take me between two and six hours to create depending on how detailed and complicated it was.
Along with the posters, I created 40 trivia cards and multiple Instagram posts. In the spring of 2021, I decided to pair an assignment in my Graphic Design 4 class with my capstone project. The result of the Graphic Design class was the trivia cards and social media posts. The cards were my inspiration for the posters, as they influenced the content and final design for the posters I created for my capstone project.