The Process

Mood Boards
When starting my project, my first thought was to create different mood boards to get the feel and the aesthetic of each decade. Throughout the process, most of the mood boards stayed the same theme however some of them did change end up changing like the 30s, 40s, and the 60s.

The next step was doing the research. This step took me the longest and most of my summer was spent researching. Overall there are a hundred facts, ten per decade, which I started on a Word Document. Later I transferred the information from the word doc to the ten different Illustrator files.
In the spring of 2021, I paired my capstone project with the graphic design 4 class. In the class, I created 40 trivia cards about the decades which helped me establish the overall look of the future posters. The cards also made me decide to include both photography and illustrations to have a classic and fun feel to the project.
Trivia Cards

Instagram Posts
Along with the trivia cards, I created mockups of Instagram posts for Historical Highlights. This shows what the project would look like if I wanted to create an Instagram page for it. The post shows an illustration or photo along with the year of a fact. In the caption of that post, I would then explain what the fact is about.